officially the most documented trip in history

Sat May 29, 2004

Wow! Great response from the website, thanks guys! And just because I’m so fastidious, here’s a link to Patricia’s Costa Rica pictures I’m not entirely sure these links work, but it’s a good reference for my own benefit anyways. Patricia has some great shots of the group, a crazy monkey and of the super-fly swim-up bar at the hot springs! Sigh…..wishing I was there now, the weather here has been chill and drizzly, that’s what you get for living in a rainforest I guess… The good news is that Angela will be home June 7th, she’s finally coming back to the west coast, sorry, er, wet coast! She graduated two days ago, right on, I’m proud of you baby! On an aside, I’ve been trying to be a responsible citizen and figure out who to vote for in the upcoming federal elections. After reviewing all the platforms and wading through some impossibly thick rhetoric, my initial optimism faded somewhat. We need some serious democratic reform. I could either go with the opposition, i.e. Jack Layton and the NDP in an attempt to oust Martin and his corrupt liberals or put in a “statement vote” by voting for the Communist Party or the Green Party. Speaking of democratic reform, I think choices like the Marijuana Party and the Absolutely Absurd Party (I kid you not) aren’t very useful when all they do is siphon off the pothead votes from the more serious contenders. Well, maybe that’s a good thing, I don’t know.

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