Tu eres una mujer moy bonita!!! Mama Cita!!!!

Mon Mar 8, 2004

Hey, it’s the only Spanish I know, ok!!! I learned that from this Colombian girl I was going out with briefly before she decided to stop returning my calls. But that dear friends is another story. Suffice to say that I think speaking the same language is a ‘must’ in any romantic relationship.

Today I sealed the deal at the travel agency. On the 22nd April Angela and I will be kicking it in the Caribbean!!! It’s going to be sweeeeeeeet!!! We’re going for a month, starting out in Veracruz and going surfing in Oaxaca, then making our way down to Costa Rica. We have an eight day Costa Rica tour booked too, one where you get to ride up to the rain forest on horseback and hike around the volcano at night. They also have those aerial trams in the rain forest where you can zip along the rope and check out the jungle canopy below you. Nice! Definitely looking forward to that.

I may as well provide a Wonderland update for those of you who stuck with me through the Korean saga. I recently heard from Sulu that she’s staying for another year at the school, as well as Debbie and Chris!!! So, I guess Won Jang Nim pulled them aside and offered them a raise and left me out of the loop. And here I thought everybody was leaving right along with me! Well, they finally got what they wanted - an all female staff. I don’t have any ill feelings because I would never have wanted to stick it out for another year, but still. Well, they booted out Sora as well, so I don’t feel so bad, we were the coolest teachers at the school obviously. Won Jang Nim loves Debbie and Chris because of their positively Nazi-esque teaching styles. How can you enjoy your job if you’re shouting at little kids all day, what a joke man. And all this covert bullshit where nobody says anything to your face if they have a problem. Look at me, ranting on like a four year old now that I have no retribution to fear!

Anyways, back in Poco (that’s short for Port Coquitlam, the town where I’m at right now, for those who have no idea)… after a rainy weekend the sun came out today and made everything a little steamy and it was quite glorious. My friend, Jenny, drove down from Prince George, she’s down here for a week or so visiting, so we went for a hike in Minnekada. I got some good pictures of mossy rocks and trees and lakes and ducks and a small brown frog. Tomorrow we’re going to drive into Vancouver and visit UBC, possibly consider disco-night at the Commodore.

So things are pretty good. There is some stress but nothing worthy of a genuine rant at this point. My brother is moving soon and he doesn’t have any space in his new place, so I have to get rid of all my stuff, or put it in storage or something. He sounds way more stressed than me right now, poor dude. I was booted off the medical plan here in British Columbia because they thought I owed them like $5000 (I don’t) and that I permanently moved to Korea, so I can’t even go to the doctor and sort out all the illnesses I think I have in my hypochondriac depressions. I still, obviously have no clue what I should be doing job-wise, although I’ll probably end up trying to live off ESL and go back to school. Who knows, I’m still in my de-stressing-yoga-every-morning-and-chill-out-to-the-max stage. These things will sort themselves out in time and when I’m good and ready. In the meantime, Mama Cita amigos!!!

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