Heading to Victoria Falls

Sun Feb 20, 2000

On board the train to Victoria Falls…

Waiting for the train to leave… and hoping I get a whole booth to myself…

Walked all the way from the hostel, what a bitch.

Let me backtrack a bit: (by the way, seriously doubt this thing is going to leave on time)

Got to Bulawayo last night just in time to make dinner. Unfortunately, there’s this English guy living in the dorm and I’m not kidding - he is such a prick, he literally makes my hair stand on end. I’ll probably have to deal with him again when I get back from the falls.

I read Hideous Kinky today - took about four hours. I don’t think I’ve ever just picked up a book and read it from cover to cover - it’s like watching a movie.

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Well, the train is supposed to leave now, I knew it wouldn’t. Flashbacks to our train trips in Europe, oh my god - nothing could top those - we were even sleeping on the floor in a Spanish train once.

I got a 2nd-class ticket - just been kicked out of my cabin, now crammed in a small one with five other guys. Shit.

This journal entry has been transcribed from the handwritten original. For more information about this transcription project, see this blog post.

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